๑ஐNow entering the final Stage: 11th!ஐ๑
Yeah Dude!!! 11th! after everything, after ten, the end!
For a while I thought, well after all, doing 10th again won't be that bad, but now that is over, it would be worse thing ever!!!
Yesterday I was in 6B, trynig to decide if i really wanted to begin again in a different place, with different teachers, different friends.. just different and wonderfully nice!and the best thing was that I did, I did took a different road from the one I've always imagine, from the regualr one. Sometimes I felt that that was the most idiot, stupid and non- sense decision someone (not just me) could ever make, but obviously, the rest of the time I'm fully convinced , that I wouldn't be who I am, I wouldn't have such friends, such memories and I wouldn't be mesmerized by life itself!
Today, I can't wait to see how it all ends, to see what comes next, to amaze my self with the decision I'll make (career, university etc), and show all of those lettuces, that it is not as important as they think, that they killed themselves to enter the same career many of my classmates will, and that after all, we had fun. I know is mean, but I can't help it, I hate the school that made me afraid of soo many things. I can't stop hating the school where I totally lost like many years, believing that it was me the one with a problem, that I was pathetic, and I'm not! I also learnt some few things there, I still have some memories from that place, but not as many, not as good as the ones I have from my actual school!